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CTSA hosts NRA Approved and Sanctioned F Class Events at 500 yards.


What does “F” stand for in F Class? It stands for the Canadian, George Faquharson. George developed the class after his age and eyesight caught up with him. F Class has grown fast. You’ll find all kinds of different “F Class Matches” throughout the U.S. Some are very “grass roots” and some are full on “electronic wonders”.

F Class is shot on either Mid-Range (300-600 yards) or Long Range (800-1000 yards) courses. The event is shot in the prone position. During some club events, competitors who are physically challenged are allowed to shoot from tables to keep their shooting spirit alive. Each match is a single fed event. One round at a time. The quest is the 2 ½ in “X” Ring or 5 in “10” ring.


There are two categories. F Class Open and F Class Target/Rifle (T/R)


As in any sport which involves mechanical devices, shooting equipment will range from the very “mild” to the extremely “wild”. Just because a competitor is on the “mild” side of equipment (bone stock equipment), doesn’t mean they are not competitive. If a competitor has a totally “wild” platform, it doesn’t mean they know how to drive (shoot) it. All that’s needed is a safe shooting rifle, some kind of a front (bipod) and rear rest (bag/glove), a mat / blanket, and a scope that has the elevation capability and you’re in the game! Ammo would help too. The willingness to listen and learn is all that’s left. Can this be shot with a normal hunting rifle? Yes, but most hunting style rifles have thin style barrels which are prone to heating up quickly after only a couple shots. A thicker barrel is preferred.

If you are interested in participating in F Class events, please contact:

Ken M. Schilling, CTSA F Class Director at:


F Class Pics Page

F Class Match Results Page

F Class Policy Letter / Rules (.pdf document)


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F Class


Central Texas Silueta Association

SITE  BY: Hubert Kelsheimer

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